Sarah Sandeep Patil
Hii! My name is Sarah Patil. I am 13 years old and I am from Maine, USA. I am in 8th grade. I am a first Dan black belt in Taekwondo. Three times Jr.Olympian Champion. I won more than 90 medals in National/International Taekwondo championships. I love singing, songwriting, dancing, drawing, acting and writing stories.Story writing I had started since age of 9 and Tweety the Bird was one of them.My biggest joy is playing with my little sister Simmone.She is world to me. If you love to hear more about me, you are welcome to visit my website.
Also you can follow me on Instagram account @sarah19_patil.
My YouTube account
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Your suggestions,ideas will encourage me to write more stories.Hope you enjoy my story and don’t forget to like my story.