The Tangled Web of Alice Young

Margarita Nehme

The Tangled Web of Alice Young

The house of Young had a growing guest
It wasn’t something they possessed
Up from the ceiling it was hung
The Tangled Web of Alice Young

This tangled web was weaved with lies
“Who broke the vase?” “Who ate the pies?”
Composed of every fib she sung
The Tangled Web of Alice Young

The web of lies grew everyday
“I studied well, I did not play.”
“I was in class when the bell rung.”
Those were the lies of Alice Young

Alice lied and never ceased
and grow it did the web she weaved
it almost reached her heart and lung
That Tangled Web of Alice Young

But one time as she planned her lies
she failed to tell them many times
When she spoke she bit her tongue
My pretty little Alice Young

Alice said she’d lie no more
Her tongue was growing ever sore
Her room brightened as the web was plunged
Farewell, the Web of Alice Young!

© 2013 Margarita Nehme


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